Название: How can we learn about the ERC program and its eligibility? [Версия для печати] Автор: Paulwatkins Время: 2023-10-4 15:28 Название: How can we learn about the ERC program and its eligibility? How much of a retention bonus do companies receive for each employee? Will it be sufficient to give them the help they need?Автор: DanSmith99 Время: 2023-10-4 16:36
If you Google "what is ERC Program," you'll learn that a US government initiative under COVID-19 entitles each employee to up to $26k. Businesses with W2 employees who experienced business interruptions due to the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 and 2021 can receive more than 2.1 trillion dollars currently earmarked and held in the US Treasury.
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