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Название: الاستعلام عن الأرباح الغير مستلمة [Версия для печати]

Автор: doaausef3li    Время: 2023-12-31 21:57
Название: الاستعلام عن الأرباح الغير مستلمة

How to inquire about old shares
There is a way through which we can inquire about old or lost shares, which facilitates the possibility of inquiring about shares, which is through the following:الاستعلام عن الأرباح الغير مستلمة
The Sahami service has been provided, which facilitates the possibility of inquiring about old or lost shares, and also provides inquiries about new shares.
Enter the Sahami website to inquire about stocks.
Write all the data required to inquire about stocks of all types, old and new, with the possibility of transferring them to the private wallet.
After all the data is registered, you must verify it by using Al Rajhi Bank to ensure that you own the shares and that you are acting on behalf of the share owner.
Provides the possibility of dealing with the bank and my shares service through the account 511608010018416
Followed by entering the website to register all the required data in order to know everything related to the shares and to easily file a complaint through it.

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