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Do desktop motherboards support almost any graphics card?

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Опубликовано 2025-3-23 00:52:24 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Most desktop motherboards support a wide range of graphics cards, but compatibility depends on several factors:
  • PCIe Slot – Nearly all modern graphics cards use a PCIe (PCI Express) x16 slot, which is standard on most motherboards. As long as your motherboard has a compatible slot, the card should physically fit.
  • Power Requirements – Some high-end GPUs require additional power connectors (6-pin, 8-pin, or even multiple connectors) from the power supply. Your PSU must have the right connectors and enough wattage to support the GPU.
  • BIOS Compatibility – Some older motherboards may have BIOS issues with newer GPUs, though updates can sometimes fix this.
  • Physical Space – Large GPUs may not fit in small cases or may obstruct other motherboard components.
  • PCIe Version – While PCIe is backward and forward compatible (eg, a PCIe 4.0 GPU will work in a PCIe 3.0 slot), performance may be slightly affected if the motherboard's PCIe version is older.
  • Multi-GPU Support – If you're planning to use multiple GPUs (SLI or CrossFire), your motherboard must explicitly support it.
In general, as long as your motherboard has a PCIe x16 slot and your power supply meets the GPU's needs, most graphics cards should work.
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