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How to Gain Instant Exposure With Search Advertising

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Опубликовано 2022-8-14 08:17:17 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Itink you really ought to consider advertising on Google,” she said. The year was 2003, business was really slow and I was about to plunk big dollars into a trade publication ad. I had never heard of paying to have someone come to my website. But, on the advice of a peer, I took the leap of faith. With great skepticism, I opened an AdWords account and started driving traffic to a landing page that taught people how to write white papers. To my great shock, the first day four people registered. By the end of the first week, there were 40. Before I knew it, the year was up and 4000 people had registered, ALL coming from one little ad that I paid next to nothing for on Google.

I spent a whopping $127 per month for those Country Email List thousands of leads. I'm here to tell you, if you want to drive more traffic to your blog, add people to your lists or just test out some new ideas, consider search advertising. Search advertising, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or paid search, essentially involves paying for small ads that appear on a search engine. The ads only appear when folks type in keywords you are paying for. The beauty of these ads is that you only pay if someone clicks. Andrew Goodman, widely considered the world's leading authority on search advertising, explains, “Paid search is classic direct marketing in the sense that you narrow your market down to a very specific subset (in this case, those typing specific keywords into a search engine out of curiosity).”

Goodman also explains, “The beauty of PPC ads that appear near search results (ie, on an engine like Google) is that they show up when someone may be in active research mode. If you intercept professionals early in their sales cycles, while they are still thinking about pertinent issues, you actually position yourself very well.” Blogger's Thoughts on Search Advertising New media blogger Chris Garrett says, “Pay-per-click advertising gets almost immediate results, either for traffic or for just testing ideas. All it takes is some well-chosen words and a credit card. While a perfect campaign takes time, money and experimentation, PPC is the best way to get instant and highly targeted leads.” Tom Chandler, owner of one of the top ten blogs for writers explains, “For a freelancer, pay-per-click advertising can be a flexible, effective, affordable marketing tool.

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