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WATCH Sidney Crosby alley-oops himself for a ridiculous goal vs. Canadiens

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Опубликовано 2023-6-19 11:19:56 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
is still ridiculous, in case you were wondering.The captain submitted his latest in a long line of absurd highlights Wednesday night in Pittsburgh. During the  Joel Edmundson Kids Jersey second period of the Pens' game against the , Crosby delivered a spectacular tally when he knocked a puck out Lee Stempniak Kids Jersey  of midair to himself, then swatted it -- again, out of midair -- past .  It's worth catching on a loop.  Wow. Crosby.  Anton Forsberg Jersey  NHL GIFs (@NHLGIFs)    Sidney Crosby's hand-eye coordination remains undefeated  Dimitri Filipovic (@DimFilipovic)  While it's certainly not the first time a player has knocked a puck up to themselves or batted in a goal, the quickne s with which Crosby completes both these feats is incredibly impre sive. Crosby has shown time  Andrei Svechnikov Kids Jersey and time again that his instincts and hand-eye coordination are second to none, and it's a big reason he remains one of the best players in the world and a must-see attraction on the ice.  Make sure to  Hurricanes Blank Jersey enjoy him while he's still around.
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