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Nick Sirianni sends message to Eagles by stopping practice calling meeting midway through session

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Опубликовано 2023-9-22 17:53:23 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Nick Sirianni saw enough of the during Friday's training camp practice. All of a sudden the whistle blew and the music stopped at the NovaCare Complex, right in the middle of the se sion.Sirianni brought the Eagles to midfield and had a few words with the team before it got back to Alexandre Texier Men Jersey  practice. Whatever the head coach said, it worked.         Pick Six Newsletter   Crafted By The Best NFL Experts   Get the day's big stories + fun stuff you love like mock drafts, picks and power rankings.     I agree to receive the "Pick Six Newsletter" and marketing communications, updates, special offers (including partner offers), and other information from CBS Sports and the Paramount family of companies.  By pre sing sign up, I confirm  Artemi Panarin Jersey that I have read and agree to the and acknowledge Paramount's .                 Please check the opt-in box to acknowledge that you would like to subscribe.       Thanks for signing up!   Keep an eye on your inbox.     Sorry!   There was an error proce sing your subscription.     There were no more bad throws and sloppy offensive play. The loud me sage Sirianni sent to Matt Calvert Jersey  his players demonstrated he's not going to be "buddy-buddy" with them all the time. This wasn't a game of rock, paper, sci sors."We kind of gotten off to a slower start than the past couple days," Eagles defensive end said to reporters at training camp Friday. "He just kind of wanted to bring attention to that and said, ' Cam Atkinson Women Jersey Hey this could be a microcosm of the season. You have your ups, you have your downs, during an NFL season. What are you going to do when you get off to a slow start? You have to pick yourself up.'  "That was his me sage and we had to finish the practice smarter than we started."This was a practice where many of the 30-year-olds had the day off, but Sirianni had his first challenge with this Eagles team. The players were back to the tempo they had the first two days, showcasing they listened to Sirianni's me sage.The first-year head coach pa sed his first test. This was a competition he won.  "They're doing it out of love, they're doing it out of respect," Eagles cornerback said. "So when coach pulled us up like that, we don't do anything but respect him and try to go to work Taylor Chorney Women Jersey  as hard as we can for him."
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Опубликовано 2024-11-29 18:28:10 | Сообщения автора

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