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Zoom Video Calls Are Insecure Popular Tool Accused of Invading Privacy

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Опубликовано 2022-9-21 09:05:09 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Zoom is one of the most popular video calling apps out there , and it's potentially at the top of the list. It's so famous that it's even used to connect people to the TV after lockdowns are in place in some countries, as guests can't be on the sets in person. even hundreds or thousands of schools use it to teach distance education. Indeed, and because of these keys, the application has grown like a foam to 70% of usage, since many have to continue working from home and want to keep in touch with their family and friends. But now it is accused of not being safe .

In particular, the online tool, which is characterized by its free access if the online conferences have less than 100 participants, was accused of lying: the conversations made through the service are not Buy Email Database encrypted. Actually, it is, but there is a backdoor here that allows the app to eavesdrop on these conversations . Indeed, the conferences are not end-to-end encrypted, only encrypted so that they cannot be intercepted by people outside of Zoom.

Are you interested | Zoom: what it is and how to use the most popular meeting and video conferencing app Zoom is not secure and has security concerns all over the place In addition, and allegedly due to an oversight in its programming in the application - which thanks to the coronavirus has achieved even greater growth than in all of 2019 - the data of its users has been sent to Facebook. Zoom would actually have been paid for this data . This fact prompted the New York District Attorney's office to decide to investigate the police.

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