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Marquise Brown explains trade request from Ravens says Lamar Jackson was very aware of his situation

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Опубликовано 2023-9-23 04:44:17 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Like the offseason, the first round of the 2022 NFL Draft was dominated by storylines surrounding the wide receiver position. In the middle of opening night, was  to the , and was shipped off to the . Marquise was the wideout no one saw being moved, but he apparently had been unhappy for some time.In an interview with SiriusXM Tom Waddle Jersey  Radio, Brown said that he was the one who requested a change  Chase Daniel Jersey of scenery from the , and that was very aware of how he felt for the past year."It was just my happine s," . "I talked to Lamar about it after my second year. And then after my third year, leading up to the end of the season, you know, he wasn't playing. I let him know again, like, 'Yeah, bro, I can't do it.' You know, it's not really on Lamar, like I love Lamar. It was just, you know, it's just the  James Daniels Jersey system wasn't for me, personally. You know, I love all my teammates. I love the guys. But it was just something I had to think about for myself."Brown said he didn't want to make headlines with his trade request, and that  Cody Whitehair Jersey he and the Ravens handled the situation the right way. This was such a well-kept secret that Cardinals owner Michael Bidwill got Brown to Arizona in time to bring him on stage right after the trade was announced, . In 2021, Brown caught a career-high 91 pa ses for 1,008 yards and six touchdowns. Still, Baltimore's offense was centered around running the ball as opposed to running through Brown or one of the other wide receivers.  Brown is certainly a better fit in Arizona's offense, plus  William Perry Jersey he has a rapport with . Back in 2018, Brown caught 75 pa ses for 1,318 yards and 10 touchdowns while playing with Murray at Oklahoma. This had to have been one of the top destinations on Brown's list.
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