What should be included in it? Basic information Also include the most important information about the planned campaign: from the date, possible discounts, competitions to the idea of the campaign. When it comes to getting the job done, leave it up to the influencer. He knows his community best and knows what messages appeal to them and what messages repel them.
Source blogThis does not necessarily mean completely free will. After all, it's about the good name of your brand. It is normal practice to provide materials for prior approval, to carefully C Level Contact List check proper names, the content of the discount code, given deadlines, as well as the record of the review itself. Screenshot from Instagram, personal data originally.
Blurred Choose wisely – matching influencers to the campaign You already know what your campaign goal is, what you are striving for and why you want to include influencers in your strategy. You have created a brief containing information about planned activities. It's time to decide who you will invite to cooperate. Tools for verifying influencers come to the rescue.