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D-risking or expulsion from the financial system. First consequence

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On the occasion of the numerous news that are appearing in the press about people investigated in the most varied judicial processes, and the rejection to which they are subjected socially and financially once their names appear in the headlines of digital newspapers, I believe necessary, from my position as advisor on the prevention of money laundering, from my experience for almost twenty years at the Bank of Spain and the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses (Sepblac) and as responsible for two years of a prevention department of a financial institution, to draw attention to the danger that the lengthy prevention regulations, often contradictory and not very clarifying, make us lose sight of the basis and scope of our participation, as obligated entities, in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

All obliged subjects, from the preventive field, must Mexico Mobile Number List collaborate by rejecting those clients about whom we have reasonable doubts about the legality of their funds and communicating this information to Sepblac, so that this body, once it has enriched this information, can transmit it to the State security forces and bodies, which will be in charge of arresting criminals: launderers or financing of terrorism. jannoon028 - we are the guardians of the economic system and we must reject the integration of funds obtained through criminal activities. It is about protecting our environment from those who violate the rules that we have all imposed, but who are later interested in the services: legal, financial, enjoyment of luxury goods ... that this Company, which they have previously attacked, offers them . This is the foundation of the imposition of obligations that are terribly costly for those who have to implement them, and no other.

It is not about identifying and expelling clients who are untruthful, unfaithful, foolish, or seized by civil proceedings. It is intended to detect clients whose funds could come from criminal activities. It is this function of defense of the general interest that protects and legitimizes us to inquire and request information and personal documentation, unthinkable in any other circumstance. Consequently, if, for example, from the analysis of this information we come to the conclusion that this client is emotionally leading a “double life”, it should not be an object of concern for the purposes of preventing money laundering. Thus, the regulations prohibit using the information collected within the framework of prevention for any other use.

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