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Report Kings D Slava Voynov serving time in pay-to-stay jail

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Опубликовано 2023-6-19 12:34:39 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
defenseman Slava Voynov has been serving time in a California jail after he  Evgeny Kuznetsov Jersey pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor domestic violence charge in early July. Voynov began his 90-day sentence July 7 and, according to the , he was allowed to pick where he would be incarcerated.The reported that Voynov ended up at the Seal Beach Police Detention Center. Perhaps youve heard of this facility before.The jail first rose to notoriety in 2013 when it began offering convicted criminals the opportunity to pay for what e sentially amounts to an upgraded jail experience.The has more on :To stay at the 30-bed Detention Center in Seal Beach, Voynov must pay $100 per day. Bedding and uniforms are provided. He's allowed to bring a number of personal items, including an inexpensive watch, five photographs and up to $100 in cash for purchases from the commi sary.The actual amount of time served is expected to be 45 days or le s because of good behavior and other reductions.Here is how the city describes its :The Seal Beach Police Detention Center (SBPDC) offers a Pay to Stay/Work Furlough program for citizens who have been sentenced by the court and are allowed to serve their time in a city jail. Our mi sion is to set the standard Tom Wilson Jersey  as a model police detention center, utilizing progre sive custodial programs, profe sionally trained and State certified custodial staff, and continuous staff development, all effectively using available resources to protect the public, enhance the integrity of the law, and returning offenders to society as contributing members of the community.There is a formal application and interview proce s to be admitted into the program as well.  Seal Beach also once boasted in that it had flat-screen TVs, a computer Dale Hunter Jersey /media room and new beds. shared this feature about the detention center that aired on the in 2013:According to the feature, the prison had been causing the city of Seal Beach to lose money before starting this pay-to-stay program. It now rakes in around $500,000 in revenue. Despite the financial benefits to the city, it remains a controversial program.It's still a jail, but it's not like the terrifying ones we're used to seeing in TV and movies. An inmate quoted in 's story about the jail said he chose to pay to stay at Seal Beach because it was safer than other Brooks Orpik Jersey  jails.  Voynov has been suspended with pay from the NHL since e sentially the day of his arrest back in late October of 2014. An initial police report following the incident that led to Voynovs arrest alleges that the defenseman punched, Nicklas Backstrom Jersey  choked and kicked his wife, causing bodily injury, during and after a Halloween party.He officially pleaded no contest to misdemeanor corporal injury to a spouse on July 2.In addition to his jail sentence, Voynov is also required a 52-week program on domestic violence and perform eight hours of community service.  Voynovs future in the league remains in question. The league was expected to conduct its own investigation of the incident before rendering a decision on Voynov's future.The NHL could retain its right to void the defensemans contract, which has four years remaining on it with an annual average of $4.16 million.
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