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If the entity has an id other than

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It, do not put it in the markup.  kg:/m/0c2s2s1 insert only the url: field with the corresponding Italian Wikipedia page.” Better, but the result isn't 100% satisfactory either because Maria Cristina Albertina's page is another one. In the meantime, the chatbot got tired of showing the interface with a black background, who knows why, maybe even the AIs get bored after a while of always receiving the same requests... A further refinement of the prompt is needed: “rewrite the markup taking into account that Maria Cristina Albertina is Maria Cristina of Saxony” Finally habemus princessm ! (forgive the very macaronic Latin) Skynet can wait (at least for a little longer) What did we learn from this little use case ? ChatGPT is a very powerful tool which, however, nowadays,

Fails to autocomplete user prompts according to its real intentions. At the moment the only modulator of the request for a truly convincing output is the competence and knowledge of the sector. A professional Industry Email List differentiator might be having a working knowledge of several use cases for different uses, but adding your own creativity to tailor the prompts to your particular needs (on a history site the About and Mention properties are probably more important compared to an e-commerce

While a Price is much less relevant. Certainly, however, if you do not know the semantics of the structured data vocabulary, the path will be more cumbersome because a longer "brAInstorming" will be needed to achieve the same result ) . The experience of the professional is a fundamental aid in recognizing and correcting the inevitable mistakes that AI makes, which offers answers on a probabilistic basis. The paradox of SEO (barring total paradigm shifts) is that this profession, born to provide the best answers, will have to make an effort to formulate the best questions. If you want to create content for your company or business, read: Corporate

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