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Arsenal wander off the title race

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Опубликовано 2023-9-23 04:21:25 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Im writing this article in the halftime of the Bolton vs Arsenal match. I would like to congratulate Bolton Wanderers for the courage and ability they are showing in the game until now. Bolton Johnny Manziel Jersey  are leading by 2 goals to nil against the Gunners (which are with just 10 men on the field), meaning that one of the three chasing teams for the Premiership crown is definitely out of the race. As Ferguson said earlier, Arsenal will be out of the title race, as they have to face Liverpool three times in the next weeks, twice in the Champions and once in the Premiership.  Eric Hosmer Jersey It is going to be so difficult for Arsenal to have to play three big matches against Liverpool in such a short space of time. It will definitely take a lot out of them.  Sir Alex Tyson Ross Jersey  FergusonSurely, the Scot couldnt have gue sed that the team that was leading the race by 5 points some time ago will be losing a simple game against Bolton this weekend. This means that Fergusons prediction has happened some weeks earlier. The Gunners are out of the race for the Premier League, and the only challengers for the crown that remain are Ozzie Smith Jersey  Avram Grants Chelsea. If Man Utd win the 17:15 GMT game of today, they will be 9 points above the Gunners. With just 6 matches to go before the seasons end, it is very difficult for the Gunners to remain a realistic  Dave Winfield Jersey challenger. It seems that the game that will decide the season will be played on Saturday 26th April, when Man Utd meet Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.
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