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Discover the SEO techniques that increased the number of new contacts

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Опубликовано 2023-10-11 14:48:30 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения

The SEO techniques developed by Digital Integration on the cycling store's website increased the number of new users by more than 544%, the number of organic searches by 534%, the number of hits by 369%, the number of calls by 858% and 10,300 % the number of contact forms. Every company wants to be a reference in the segment in which it operates and aims to stand out on search platforms, aiming mainly to reach the top positions in Google's organic results, when internet users carry out a search. Therefore, companies are also aware that, in order to stand out, it is important to design digital marketing strategies that help make the website relevant so that it appears in search results. One of the essential actions for this is the use of SEO techniques – Website Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, aims to optimize content, blogs and web pages for search engines, helping them to rank. It was through this technique that the Integração Digital agency, together with a team of professionals specialized in the area of ​​digital marketing, ensured that a company in the cycling segment had an increase of 544% in the number of new users, 534% in the number of searches organic, 369% in the number of hits, 858% in the number of calls and 10,300% in the dbtodata.com number of contact forms. To understand the actions taken and learn more about the growth of this company, continue reading and check it out. Request a Quote! What are the main SEO techniques – Website Optimization and how they impact business It is collective knowledge that every second, millions of searches are carried out on search engines, with Google being the main platform used. And with each search, Google organizes the content or links into a ranking and provides users with the best answers, presenting those that are in the top positions.

To determine what is relevant or not and classify the order of importance, one of the main parameters that Google robots take into account is content. This is because robots need to understand that the text on that page is relevant and interesting for the reader. To help with this task, in addition to having quality, Digital Integration texts rely on SEO techniques that make Google consider them important and interesting for those searching for the subject. Investing in good quality images throughout the content helps with positioning, and can be counted as part of the text structure, as they can be used as graphics and illustrations, depending on the subject. Furthermore, it is important that the company has keywords and terms related to the topic in which it operates, so that it can be suggested when the search is carried out.

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