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Why is it important to have a prospecting tool and a CRM?

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One of the most important factors for you to reach the goal of real estate closings is the follow-up control of the prospects, this makes the information more precise and the follow-up more agile.

Keeping track is essential to know what stage the prospect is in as well as not losing a single sales opportunity. So dividing the process into two tools makes the work simpler and clearer for your team members.

What are the benefits of implementing a prospecting tool and a CRM?

Keep track of prospects: in your traditional and digital Telegram Number Data marketing strategies, prospects are generated, and sometimes the same sales advisors are dedicated to prospecting, so if we keep a record of these prospects we can identify if it was a prospect that had already been captured. previously, if it was assigned to someone else, have the prospect's data, etc...

Know what stage your prospect is in: if we keep track of the information we receive and provide to the prospect, we can identify if they are in a search, consideration, decision stage, if they are a discarded prospect or for future purchase. This allows us to contact you and create a strategy based on the stage you are in.

Separate the processes: Since in the prospecting tool like Prospectan, you can keep track of the leads so that you can have enough contacts to schedule appointments and, above all, attend them, after this, you can go to the CRM to prospects who have come to visit your development, in this way, you will have separate processes and avoid confusion with the data.

Measure results: both marketing and sales, since if x number of prospects are generated we can see the progress that is being made with the monitoring by sales, and generate a funnel of results and identify areas of opportunity and be able to know your % Of conversation.
Streamline efforts: if control is maintained it is easier to identify each prospect, sometimes it has happened to us that a record is kept on sheets, which is not bad, however the disadvantages that this can have are many, since we can lose them , it is misplaced, etc... therefore carrying a file or a CRM can avoid these situations that can lead us to lose a potential client.

Have a concentrate of results: in which you can visualize 100% of the work that your sales team is doing and measure the efforts made.
Why do we say that a prospecting tool and a CRM is the solution to tracking your customers?

A conventional CRM is a very broad software with many functionalities, the use that should be given to it by each team differs substantially, and is focused on the specific activities and tasks of each of them, which is why we developed a Prospectan, which, together with a conventional CRM, will help you triple your sales.

Our Prospectan tool allows you to prioritize prospects according to the leadscore, and also offers you a dashboard so that you can reach 12% VTR (percentage of visits) as we explain in The 50-40-60 rule to increase influx to the development .

The process to triple your results would be to use Prospectan to follow up on leads until you reach the development visit and then continue with the follow-up in your conventional CRM, this way you would know if the failure to meet the goals is due to what the number of leads that arrive are not enough, the follow-up of the prospect to schedule an appointment is not correct or if the visit rate is not optimal to reach the sales goal.

To learn more about how a CRM can help you accelerate the sales of your development, download our  free eBook – CRM as a tool for real estate closings , click  here  or on the image below.

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