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A Graduate in Internet Interaction Design

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Since this morning, I have been reading the courses offered by the Interaction Design Foundation. This non-profit organization has ten years of experience in education, information and the design community. Combining free videos, learning manuals and a very comprehensive website, this foundation is aimed at students, designers, academics and design professionals. Recently, they also offer to follow, for a hundred dollars, online courses on interaction design. The courses seem quite complete and the teaching materials are developed in collaboration with the best universities in the world like Stanford, Cambridge, Harvard, MIT, SAP Labs, IBM Research and the authors are none other than Clayton Christensen, Don Norman, Alan Dix, Steve Mann, Eric von Hippel or even Tom Erickson.

Video presentation Some examples of lessons The beginner's guide to interaction design User-centered design Information visualization Human-computer interactions Psychology of interaction design etc Obviously, the idea is attractive, learning online, receiving a “certificate”, understanding the thousands of possibilities and open doors offered thanks to interaction design is a dream. However, it would be necessary to be able to test these courses, experience them, see the results and the content to background remove service better embark on such learning. In the meantime, I'm going back to my books on interaction design because I keep learning new things about it every day  source These articles may interest you My future job(s) Visibility design by Orange Lab Teaching interactive design To share 6 comments eymenier October 7, 2013 at 11 h 23 min hello good me it's been a while since I tell myself that I have to go to France to know all the training courses that charge 7000 / year for 5 years to train among other things in softwarel.

October 7, 2013 at 11 h 36 min About your reading, could you give us a list of the best design books you have read? The “must-haves” as they say. Answer agou October 7, 2013 at 11 h 59 min I would also be interested in a list of design books that you consider interesting (unless you have written an article about it, I can't find any with a somewhat exhaustive list). Thanks! Answer Geoffrey Dorne October 7, 2013 at 12 h 01 minMonsieurte : I had made a first little mixed list but I would like to redo a more detailed and provided one rfrences-en-design- graphics-architecture-photo-typography/ Answer Ruben_S October 7, 2013 at 1:07I plussoi for a list of books  Answer Intern October 7, 2013 at 2:08 p.m. Oh yes a great list of books on interaction design! Answer Leave a comment Your email address will not be published.

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