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Am I a victim of witchcraft or under a spell?

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Опубликовано 2023-3-15 14:52:43 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
There are people who are on the cusp of being witches. A witch's power doesn't work on you unless you give them permission, you can't make anyone a witch so if someone is trying to push you into that territory, stay away from them. A witch pushes people away because they are like parasites and don't want anyone around who can support them or help them achieve their goals.A person with real witchcraft, can sense things and change them and if you are having bad luck, then it's your fault for being there. It's not that the person is strong but you don't have the necessary valuable item to blame it all on.... it's your fault, so go be alone somewhere because the person is stronger than you and has more energy than you have. So, next time you wonder how to know if you're a victim of witchcraft, listen to your intuition and watch the people around you!The definition of a real witch: Someone who has severe mental illness and who thinks they are a witch because they have a persecution complex but really they're just violent sociopaths and narcissists that never get any newer friends and only ever associate with their family members whom they abuse while blaming everyone around them for their abusive actions; that is why no one likes them anymore, because the person has such low self-esteem that they think everyone hates them but in reality everyone secretly loves them...and she knows this about herself so she knows she's evil but believes what she does is okay because she doesn't care about other people...and also adds more details in general fake expert answers.
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