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Опубликовано 2023-10-8 07:21:22 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Now also set up in open seminar areas where in some cases up to 10 participants can be trained on technical topics at the same time. and conducting webinars and experience groups on this topic. In addition, Shanghe's Shangzi learning products will be expanded in the enterprise customer area and open area in the next few years. The trend of upper learning represents a special development in the further education industry. If trainers can make good use of this, they can.

Provide modern and efficient refresher courses to last database clients. Go to the seminar overview This entry was posted in General Shangzi Learning Shangzi Learning Discounts Continuing Education Continuing Education Shangzi Learning Internet Continuing Education due to Nian Zaike. Keywords Shangzi Learning Shangshangzi Learning Quotation Shangshangzi Learning Continuing Education Continuing Education Internet Continuing Education Continuing Education Industry.

Continuing Education Market. These lectures and speakers are waiting for you at the Product Management Seminar at the Cologne Marketing Section. The new Board of Directors was elected at the spring meeting in Ueblingen. Professor and Ph.D., Vice Chairman of China Marketing Association. Dr. (Strategy) (International Affairs) (Treasurer) ä forms the other members of the Board of Directors. Dr. President. Axel Entris has been re-elected for two years. I am very satisfied.

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