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How to Check Your Amazon Gift Card Balance

Читали блог: 24 Создано: 2024-2-15 19:40

How to Check Your Amazon Gift Card Balancehttps://popularcardingshops.com/how-to-check-your-amazon-gift-card-balance/

I am constantly receiving Amazon gift cards as a thank you from various people, which I love because I know I will be able to redeem them quickly. But sometimes the cards don't have an amount printed on them, so I'm not really sure what I'm getting. And with various cards going in and purchases going out, I'm never going to simply remember what my remaining gift card balance is on my Amazon account.

Fortunately, there are easy ways to determine both the value of card and your remaining account balance using either the Amazon app on your phone or through  Amazon.com  in your browser. I will walk you through the simple steps for answering both these questions.

How Amazon gift cards work

Whenever you receive an Amazon gift card - whether a physical card or ecard through email - it will have a unique code associated with it. When you  redeem an Amazon gift card , the money is applied to your overall gift card balance on Amazon.

If you have money in your gift card fund, Amazon will automatically use the gift card balance for your purchase. So when you're  shopping on Amazon , you don't have to remember to use your Amazon gift card (unlike using Visa or Amex gift cards on Amazon).

And if you want to save your gift card funds for specific purchases, you can opt out of using your gift card money. In the “Choose a payment method” section when checking out, click on “Change” or “Change a Payment Method,” and scroll down and uncheck or toggle off “Use your gift card balance.”

All this makes Amazon gift cards very easy to use and manage as a payment method.


How to check your Amazon gift card account balanceTo check the balance of your Amazon gift cards via your web browser
  1. Go to  Amazon.com .
  2. Go to your  Accounts page  (Select  Account & Lists  and then  Account  from the dropdown on the upper right).
  3. Select  Gift Cards .

On this page, you will see your “ Gift Card Balance ” and your “Gift Card Activity.” In the “Gift Card Activity” section, you can see all gift cards that have been claimed and when gift card funds were applied to purchases .

To check the balance of your Amazon gift cards through the Amazon app on your phone
  1. Open the Amazon app.
  2. Select the Account icon (person icon) in the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Scroll down to the section  Gift Card Balance  to see your balance.

If you tap on “ Gift Card Balance ,” you can see when you claim your gift cards and when you used gift card funds to make a purchase.

How to check the amount of an unredeemed Amazon gift card

Amazon will  not  let you check the gift card balance on an unredeemed gift card; you have to either call Amazon customer service at 888-280-4331 or redeem the gift card.

To redeem your Amazon gift card using your browser
  1. Go to  Amazon.com
  2. Go to the  Accounts page . (Select  Account & Lists  and then  Account  from the dropdown on the upper right).
  3. Select  Gift cards .
  4. Select  Redeem a Gift Card.
  5. Enter your gift card number in the  Enter Claim Code  box and select  Apply to your balance .

To redeem your Amazon gift card through the Amazon app on your phone
  1. Open the Amazon app.
  2. Select the Account icon (person icon) in the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Scroll down to the Gift Card Balance section  and select  Redeem Gift Card . 
  4. Enter your gift card number in the  Enter Claim Code  box and select  Apply to your balance .


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