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What is a Dulane ??

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Опубликовано 2024-5-13 15:29:59 | Сообщения автора Награда за ответ |по убыванию |Режим чтения
Dulane 30MG Capsule is a prescription medicine used to alleviate depression. This medicine is prescribed to treat depression and other mood disorders, such as anxiety. It is also used to treat diabetic neuropathic pain, which is caused by nerve damage by high blood sugar levels, and fibromyalgia, a syndrome characterized by widespread physical pain. It works by increasing the concentration of chemical substances (serotonin and norepinephrine) in the brain, which helps to maintain mental stability and inhibits the transmission of pain signals inside the brain.

Dulane 20MG Capsule treats depression. Anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders are treated. It treats fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathic pain. It boosts brain neurotransmitters (serotonin and norepinephrine) to control thoughts and block pain signals. Dulane 20MG Capsule may cause nausea, dry mouth, heartburn, and perspiration. These side effects will fade. If they annoy you or last long, get medical attention. Do not drive or use tools while taking this drug because it may cause fatigue or dizziness.

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